Sunday, April 03, 2005

Carnival of Cordite #7 is Up

The seventh edition of Carnival of Cordite is up. Be sure to click over there and give it a read. Lots and lots of good stuff there.

Bill and I were out and about today running errands and doing household chores. Not always fun, but necessary. We both still have traces of a bronchial gunge from hell. Bill still sounds a little froggy and I've been sneezing at the most inopportune times (such as when I forget a Kleenex). What! Is this more than you want to know?

We are getting ready for our BAG (Buy a Gun) Day trip. We will post as usual through the coming week. Starting Saturday, we will post whenever we can. We should have a lot to tell you about including;
  • our visit to a Sporting Clays course at the Grand Casino in Tunica, Mississippi;
  • attending the NRA Convention and Banquet in Houston;
  • our BAG Day purchases, and;
  • any other gun nut adventures we have on the way.

So, wish us a good trip.

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